Let's Get it on - If You Dare!

Allright Ladies and Gentlemen now that I see I have your attention:
Let's take the gloves off!
I'd like to know, once and for all, and please, guys; no holds barred!
I'd like to get down and dirty - get down to the nitty gritty if you will...
Let's talk about the one issue that we all really want to discuss, but
for some perverse, illogical, and yes, assinine reason, we all tippy toe
around, and just don't have the jutzpah to just come out and say what's
on our minds.
I'd like to know, once and for all, and please, guys; no holds barred!
I'd like to get down and dirty - get down to the nitty gritty if you will...
Let's talk about the one issue that we all really want to discuss, but
for some perverse, illogical, and yes, assinine reason, we all tippy toe
around, and just don't have the jutzpah to just come out and say what's
on our minds.
Ah yes, finally! My evil plan is unfolding...What...? You thought you
were getting a free ride? Nice little stories on life in the Caribbean?
What am I, your entertainment director? As if! Okay, okay, just
kidding, I shall continue on with my little stories, but this is just
an aside. A project...Yeah, yeah, that's it, a project, I swear, it's a homework assignment (Hah!). I've noticed the seemingly (and I hope genuine) interest in my site and I've gotten tons of responses and feedback on my stories, but for some
odd and inexplicable reason (!?), my comments section is very bare. Cobwebs
are growing people! Let's get a discussion going, shall we? So here's
my topic....Of course it would have to be something that just "gets my
goat", otherwise, how mundane, trivial, boooring, how....blah". So here goes, and if the gents are a little red in the face, or p'd off after reading this "rant", then by all means, let's talk abouddit!!! Be a man!
The Uneven Scales:
Call me foolish, or even an ignorant ass if that's how you choose to see it, but this whole double standard crap really gets me riled! Why, I say, WHY? In this modern day and age, and as far as we've come as the "INTELLIGENT SPECIES", do we still have to deal with this backwards, foolish, contemptible and wholly unfair issue? To think! Women have as much to offer as men do (realistically, we kinda tip the scales, admit it guys!). We have become an indespensible force in the workplace, we are (at times singlehandedly, and without support of "the powers that be" I give you Mr. G. Bush for one blatant example) running governments, we go to war, yes, even into combat (I erroneosly forgot to mention Clinton - Go Hilary!).
In a remarkably short period of time, women have come into their own, and you have to admit...We've kicked some serious ass! Yet without a doubt the majority of women that I know today tend to try to please their man, even, at times to their detrmiment or discomfort. I have seen it, and have probably subconciously probably even endorsed this vile and reprehensible trait in my daughter's upbringing. Regretfully I have to admit, to myself most of all; I talk the talk, but when it comes to the walk, I found that I've developed this horrible, odd limp. A twisted, bruised and painful sprain. I've faltered in my otherwise determined and precise gait. Why? What is the underlying cause that has brought about this unreasonable fear that women (some women, I'm in no way alledgeing or assuming that all women suffer from this perverse affliction) have of losing their man's love, attention and/or approval?
Do men feel anything that is even remotely similar to this wretched curse? If they have, I have not seen it, and of late I've been paying very close attention. Seriously guys, own up, you can be totally anonymous if you need to be (I promise I won't tell, Scout's honor!) There are Enquiring minds that want, no, NEED to know. Yeah yeah, you pay us glib lip service, but when the push gets right down to the shove, you know in your evil little minds that the balance is unequal.
I can't vouch for how it works in the rest of the world, but down here in the Caribbean, it sucks to be me! I know firsthand from experience, that there are women who are living in much worse and at times dangerous conditions, women who have absolutely no choice but to put up with varied abuses inflicted on them by those who claim to love and want to protect them. I have a theory on that... If you are up to the challenge, I can clarify and elucidate on my personal theories, and trust me....You won't be bored... :). As the yung'uns is sayin' these days: "Been there, done that."
So, Guys, Gals...Let's get it on, shall we? I DARE YOU!!! Comments?
As if i need to say that as long as we women let men think they have the power we're ok. I know i've the power to controle men, but just let them think they controle me. It's no physical thing it's mentaly. And women of this world.... WE ARE THE POWER. So let men think the are great and good and even the best, we know better.
i believe that a woman who fears losing her man, has some issues in terms of self esteem. And any man who's behaviour towards his woman is such that it causes her to feel that fear of possibly losing him, is simply projecting his own fears and insecurities. Both sexes need to realize that it is not a war that he/she is in of who is better than who, but rather, it is a process of two different individuals from different backgrounds, mentalities, belief systems coming together to become one unity in which the whole is even more magnificent than the two individuals.
Once this is recognized, each gender should realize that we are all created equal and that what we each need to work on ourselves; our attributes and vices,be willing to through the process of enhancing the attributes and minimizing the vices. In the end we will have(each gender)the best of us to offer to the other when we come together, and WATCH OUT, for such a unity will be one to reckon with! I mean, isn't that how God intended/ intends it to be????
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