How could you hurt me Daddy?
Why did you break my heart?
Aren't I worth more Daddy?
Of more than what you did impart?
Why don't you love me Daddy?
Like a father should his child?
Why did you use me daddy?
Set me adrift as one exhiled?
Doesn't your guilt weigh heavy?
For the wreck you made of me?
Are you the least bit sorry?
Do you pray on bended knee?
Do you feel pleased now Daddy?
Does it fill your chest with pride?
Doesn't it make you worry?
That my soul has been defiled?
Why do I still love you Daddy?
Why do I seek your acceptance?
When I know you'll hurt me?
Why do I leave my needs to chance?
Am I so foolish Daddy?
That I choose to hope in vain?
Won't you just see me Daddy?
Why can't you understand my pain?
Rosevina Halley
November 27th 2008

*author's note: Dedicated to Odie