Friday, November 03, 2006

What's all this virus and malware stuff about?

Idle Hands are the Devil's Workshop

I'd really love for someone to explain it all to me - in detail - what the virus and malware and spyware etc. programs that are the greatest negative issue on the internet today are all about. I basically understand the spyware - it's so that (producers/sales) can "tag" you and see what you're looking at online and rate you. This is so that they can send material to you that would be most tempting and would generally cause you to spend money online. Or it's someone who wants to know your personal details which can be used in various manners i.e. identity theft, fraud etc. Your computer can also be used as an "alias" so that some hacker can use your ip address to perform any manner of harmful or illegal actions.
But what I don't get is the absolute useless and pointless malware that is being sent out simply to cause your computer to crash, or that erases your data files, causing the user to want to bang his/her head against the wall. Is this not absolute idiocy? How can one possibly gain satisfaction by simply sending out these programs to try to destroy someone else's hard work? Is this not simply insanity run amok? And there's obviously quite a bit of Looney Toons runnin' about out there, as the abundance of this malware shows.

The time that it takes out of one's busy schedule in order to scan and disinfect your computer daily (yes, I do it daily!) is a time consuming exercise that some users can ill afford. If you are in any way connected with work online, you know how tedious it is to have to spend this time uploading new spyware definitions and virus info. updates, scanning and debugging, that could otherwise be used by lucrative (legal) activities.

Seriously people (if you are one of these Evil Adolescent Miscreants") Get A Life, fer cryin' out loud! Enough with the childish pranks. Like we don't have enough to worry about with the serious criminals out to get us. We have to put up with your insanity too?
Oy Vey! Gimme a break already!

Caribbean (St. Maarten) Slang Definition

Look for black sheep before dark: Make hay while the sun shines